The toughest part for me after completing the painting is titling the piece. Sometime it comes to me quickly, other times I can't think of a thing. This image definately reflects my Christian faith and the tree represents having a firm foundation. Help me come up with a name! If I pick your title I will send you a prize.
Wow, that's coming together so nicely! =) Very creative...
I love your are very talented! Very nice blog!
such a nice piece! i hear you about naming a piece . . . sometimes it's easy and other times not at all. a few ideas that come to mind for the name of your piece are: faithful tree; tree of life; tree of faith; grounded in faith; planted with faith; robust tree of faith and a tree called faith.
have fun!
Thanks for sharing! It's always fun to see another artist's creative process! How about this for a title: "Rooted" - good luck!
I just love your work!
Very fun - I love to see your work in progress - it goes through so many creative stages!
My contribution for the title? hmmmm... Deep Roots
Oh I love this, the colors are fantastic!!
Names are such tricky things! I usually think about it a tiny bit while painting but usually wait until it's finished and then hope it begins talking to me! haha For real, it usually opens its mouth once it's fully born.
That sounds corny but that's my process! :)
I love how you showed the steps. My title ideas...Rooted in Faith, Leaves of Faith...It could represent the leaves that grow and change with the seasons and even though the tree goes through tough times(winter) those leaves will come back. Have Faith
Love your work. I think naming a piece it tough sometimes. I think it could be titled Deeply Rooted, Deeply Rooted in Faith, or Growing in Faith. Happy that I got to participate! Blessings to you!
Can't wait to see how this turns out! Looks like it's gonna be a beauty!
That is so cool to get to see the process.
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