I haven't had a contest in a while, so to kick off the fall season I will be giving a pack of four of these tags to one person. Just post a comment about what you like about the fall season, for a chance to win. The winner will be announced next Friday. Have a great weekend!
The Autumn has always been my favorite time of year - the colors and the promise of the Christmas season coming. I have been blessed with being able to look out any window in my home and see the beautiful brilliant colors that the Lord has provided for us. Sitting on my deck - I can look at the mountain and see so many trees turning and watch the sunset behind that mountain. Praises to our Lord.
What I love about Fall... sheesh how short do I have to keep it? I love fall because that's the time of the year I met, fell in love, got engaged to my now husband. every fall I get jsut a little bit of that love magic back. (we met in september, got engaged in october, decided in november to get married in december. and no, we still don't have a child so that's not the reason.lol)
Also, my big family reunion takes place in October. I love family. And then there's the colors, so beautiful. I think the entire season is loaded with magic and love and I can't get enough of fall. :D I could go on, but I think I'll keep it at that so I don't overdo it. :) haha.
Those look lovely! I loooove fall... mostly because I love the way it feels when you step outside on a beautiful fall day. The air feels so crisp and wonderful, and the sun is shining warm on your skin. You can wear a sweatshirt and jeans and be just fine, admiring the lovely fall leaves... ahhh :)
These are so cute!
Hmmmmm... I love how Fall brings families together. They stay in more, do more things together. I remember when I was younger, Summer would always be about my friends, I would go and hang out with them all day. But in Autumn, it's always about the family.
Your work is beautiful...and I've always loved autumn! It's my most favorite season of year! I think the temperature is just right...perfect for jeans and a sweater. Then you have absense of bugs...nothing better than being able to go outside and not have bugs bothering you. Then there are the smells...ahhhh...leaves...crisp mornings....delicious apples ripened to perfection! Yes, the apples are also a benefit of autumn...nothing so lovely as fresh apples...or what about apple cider! What else do I love...I guess you can't have a NY autumn with out the most stunning array of colors...painted upon the leaves by the Master's own hand. I love the deep oranges and reds, but the varied colors make it all so divine! I could sit forever on a cool autumn day, basking in the sunshine, looking around in endless awe and total thanksgiving to my Creator...because WOW, He didn't run short on ideas when it came to autumn...it's a great season! Did I forget pumpkins? I have to throw them in because not only is the color absolutely GREAT, but they're so much fun! We love to decorate with a pumpkin retrieved from a field. Then after a time, remove and toast all the seeds, steam the pumpkin and make a delicious pie or something or other. =) Yummy...I could go on and on...but I'm sure you get hte picture. =)
you know, i just have to be honest. i like fall, but i really just like leaves. i like seeing a pile of nicely raked leaves in the yard. i like kicking the pile of leaves and seeing all of the leaves float in the air as they make their way back to the ground. not back into a neat pile of course. but, being able to walk away from scattered leaves. it just reminds me of my life...sometimes i have neat piles and sometimes things come along and scatter my leaves. but nonetheless, the leaves are still there.
Beautiful tags! My fave part of fall has always been the changing leaves and the fact that you don't have to mow or at least not as often and of course my fave of all the holidays Halloween!
The leaves! I love how they turn in to all sorts of colours, from yellow to red. My family and I have made a tradition of collecting them and keeping them in phone books, and we always look back on them in later years :)
I LOVE everything about the fall...it's my absolute favorite season. Buy it wasn't until I got married (my anniversary usually falls on the autumnal equinox). Fall just makes me think of snuggling under a blanket, sipping hot cider, and smelling the crisp air. SO WONDERFUL!!!
I love the colors of autumn. I go out to photograph the leaves, and collect a few to press and use in my art and crafts. 33 years and I am still amazed at the beauty every single autumn.
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