Thursday, January 31, 2013

Creating Away

I have been working on some new pieces this week to add to my shop. I created this abstract painting about a month ago, then I added some digital type to create it into an art block. This is a good reminder that throughout the day we need to pray for our family, friends, country, church and church body acround the world.

I decided to create this poster yesterday after attending bible study. One of the women shared how she tries to extend others grace, but so often does not give herself that same grace when she messes up. The study is called "Unglued," which is written by Lysa Terkeurst. She explains that we are in the process of being chiseled by God as we journey through our Christian walk. This process takes time, as we allow the Lord to change us. This poster is a humorous reminider that this process isn't quick, easy or simple. But it sure can be some fun, if we allow ourselves to sometime laugh along the way.

I want to think of this poster as a sweet inspiration.

This weekend we are having a girls conference for tweens and teens. The conference is called "Be Mine." They will be discussing different topics like personality traits, purity, peer pressure to name a few.

I created this little poster from one of my sketches as a gift for the girls to take home. This will hopefully remind them how precious they are.


MYSAVIOR said...

You are so creative, Mechelle!


sammysgrammy said...

I'm impressed how you get inspiration from just about everywhere........

Ana said...


AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

We all need your beautiful Pray painting somewhere in our house! It is perfect, as are the others!

bananaorangeapple said...

Awesome artwork. I love the colours in the 'pray' block

Handiworkin' Girls said...

These colors are lovely!

Unknown said...

I love that "Pray" sign. It has a lovely watercolor feel to it. :)