My daughther and I attended Barefoot in the Park festival last weekend that is held in downtown Duluth, Ga. Duluth is approximately 29 miles northeast of Atlanta. The show is something I am considering exhibiting in next year. The crowds were down this year due to other events going on in the area. If you live in the area or are visiting this is a great place for shopping in antiques stores, specialty shops, and quaint restaurants.
I stopped by the booth of one artist to chat about her work. The Artist is Julia Speer who makes incredible ceramic pieces of women. She is also an art teacher in the local school system. I unfortunately left my camera at home so I took pictures with my camera phone so please excuse the resolution. You can see more of her work at
her website.
oh my her work is stunning! i love pottery and ceramics but i'm not at all good at it. i took a class once and it was not for me. maybe that's why i admire the work of those who excel at it.
enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Thanks for sharing that. I love art festivals...I attended one this weekend in San Angelo, Texas. I want to see them all!
I have tried a couple of times to make something with clay. I prefer sculpey.
Hey there Mechelle, Thanks so much for stopping by the blog. It was so very nice of you to leave a comment. Your blog is really very beautiful!!! So sorry to hear that the crowds weren't out this year. Everyone is feeling it right now. I know how it is. If I were doing this for the cash I would really be very unhappy hee hee hee! I just love working with the wonderful gift the Lord has given me. I see that you do too. Hang in there. They will be back. Just keep creating your wonderful magic! Take care
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